Posts in Media & Entertainment
Frontline Heroes app collects stories of frontline heroes from around the world who deceased fighting COVID

The app is sharing stories of different medical frontline heroes who lost their lives fighting COVID or caring for COVID patients. The app lists people from all around the world and also has a news section with stories from news publications around the world honouring frontline heroes.

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'Dreaming in the time of Corona ' is a platform that aims to document what is happening in the collective psych in times of uncertainty

The platform launched by Sylvie McGowan, art therapist and designer interested in the unconscious processes happening when we dream and create, aims at being a library of dreams, where anyone can share their latest dream to see how our dreams change when we collectively experience a crisis like COVID.

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'QUARANTINE' book showcases art pieces created during the COVID to celebrate artists and heroes on the frontlines

All profits from the book will go towards home testing kits for COVID, vaccines for the disenfranchised, care packages for the elderly and/or single mothers, families with insane medical costs or the production of ventilators and masks and gloves for doctors. When purchasing the book, people will receive a detailed receipt of how the proceeds were used.

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Corona Climate Data compiles and visualises positive environmental news and data due as a result of COVID

Corona Climate Data is a community hub to store, analyse and visualise positive environmental data during the corona pandemic. With a majority of the world social distancing or in complete lockdown, our way of life has slowed and changed. The website shows how this has positively affected climate-change related factors.

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